The Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE) defines ‘Co-Production’ as “…working in partnership, by sharing power between people who draw on care and support, carers, families and citizens…In practice, it involves people who use services being consulted, included and working together from the start to the end of any project that affects them”.

During Co-production Week, one of our services took part in a profoundly meaningful activity that beautifully showcased co-production at its best. Staff and a service user collaborated on creating a stunning piece of wall art. The photographs below, capture the essence of co-production, depicting a shared space where everyone’s contributions were valued, celebrated and on equal par.

This fabulous trio can be seen working side by side, each bringing their unique talents and perspectives to the creative process. The activity not only resulted in a visually captivating piece of art, but also fostered a sense of empowerment, equality, and mutual respect among the group. It served as a powerful reminder that when we work together, acknowledging the strengths and experiences of all involved, we can achieve incredible outcomes that truly embody the spirit of individuality and team work, at its BEST 💛

Very well done – keep up the fabulous work 🎉💛🙌

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